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Our Living Statement...

Strathearn United Church is a loving Christian community living by faith and action, communicating through worship, education, fellowship and outreach, greeting the future with hope.




Our family is a vibrant one, finding fellowship in a variety of activities.  Even in a virtual world, the Strathearn community finds ways to connect. In addition to annual and seasonal events, our Book Club and Christian Conversations are still going strong, and we stay connected to the larger church through community initiatives and outreach.

Official Board UPDATES:​


Your Givings: Although we are not passing the collection plate, we still need your support to continue the monthly operations of Strathearn United Church.
Please use your numbered giving envelopes or blank ones found in the pews, and deposit givings in the collection plate provided in the Narthex. If you would like numbered envelopes or to sign up for PAR (automated monthly debit), please call the office.

Safety Protocols: Masks may be worn at the discretion of each individual. Please stay home if you are sick.

Connect & Share: Committees rotate weekly to prepare coffee and beverages downstairs following worship.

Official Board Meetings: Third Thursday of each month, on Zoom


PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance):

If you would like to join PAR to have your givings debited monthly from your bank account between the 16th and 18th of each month, please call the office.  PAR is easy to set up and easy to update or cancel.


2024 boxed envelopes:

If you gave 5 or more times in 2023, you may have been given 2024 boxed envelopes.  If you did not receive any, but would like some, please call the church office to inquire about availability.


We're on YouTube!


Sept 1: 15th Sunday after Pentecost (Worship: 10:30 am)

Sept 2: Labour Day – Office Closed

Sept 3: Cub Leaders Meeting – Upper Room – 7:00 pm

Sept 4: Tai Chi: Walker Hall – 10:00 am Choir – Sanctuary, 7:00 pm

Sept 6: Edmonton Chinese Phil: Junior Room, 8:00 pm

Sept 7: Men’s Breakfast @ Capilano Albert’s – 9:00 am

Sept 8: Welcome Back Sunday – Coffee is back on! (Worship: 10:30 am)

Sept 9: Edmonton Met Chorus: Walker Hall, 7:00 pm

Sept 10: Beavers & Cubs – Junior Room & Walker Hall, 6:30 pm

Sept 11: Tai Chi: Walker Hall – 10:00 am Sparks, Embers & Scouts – Downstairs, 6:30 pm Choir – Sanctuary, 7:00 pm

Sept 12: GANG (Fabric Sorting) – Junior Room, 10 am – 2 pm Scouting Group Council Meeting – Upper Room – 7:00 pm

Sept 13: Women’s Lunch at Albert’s in Capilano Mall, 11:30 am Edmonton Chinese Phil: Junior Room, 8:00 pm

Sept 15: 17th Sunday after Pentecost (Worship: 10:30 am)

Sept 16: Edmonton Met Chorus: Walker Hall, 7:00 pm

Sept 17: Beavers & Cubs – Junior Room & Walker Hall, 6:30 pm

Sept 18: Tai Chi: Walker Hall – 10:00 am Sparks, Embers & Scouts – Downstairs, 6:30 pm Choir – Sanctuary, 7:00 pm

Sept 19: GANG (Fabric Sorting) – Junior Room, 10 am – 2 pm Official Board Meeting – Zoom, 7:00 pm

Sept 20: Edmonton Chinese Phil: Junior Room, 8:00 pm

Sept 22: 18th Sunday after Pentecost (Worship: 10:30 am)

Sept 23: Edmonton Met Chorus: Walker Hall, 7:00 pm

Sept 24: Beavers & Cubs – Junior Room & Walker Hall, 6:30 pm

Sept 25: Tai Chi: Walker Hall – 10:00 am Sparks, Embers & Scouts – Downstairs, 6:30 pm Choir – Sanctuary, 7:00 pm

Sept 26: GANG (Fabric Sorting) – Junior Room, 10 am – 2 pm Book Club – Upper Room (& Zoom), 7:00 pm

Sept 29: 19th Sunday after Pentecost (orange shirt) (Worship: 10:30 am) Edmonton Met Chamber – Walker, 2:00 pm

Sept 30: National Day for Truth & Reconciliation – Office Closed / No Ed Met 

Take action

Your help is urgently needed to support the people impacted by the conflict in Palestine and Israel.

Here are three ways you can respond:



Join with KAIROS Canada and member churches and agencies by calling on the Canadian government to respond to the escalating violence in Palestine and Israel by:  

  • calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the violence 

  • ensuring humanitarian assistance is provided and a safe corridor for aid is opened

  • ensuring civilians are protected 

  • calling for the safe and immediate return of all hostages and civilians being held in detention without charge


Use the online letter writing template on the United Church of Canada website to send an email directly to Foreign Affairs Minister, The Hon. Mélanie Joly, and your local MP.

The United Church of Canada has also signed on to a number of statements from our partners and other organizations calling for a ceasefire to the conflict.



Mission and Service partners are currently responding to those who are impacted by the conflict in West Bank and East Jerusalem. Partners are prepared to expand their activity into Gaza when a humanitarian corridor is opened, allowing for safe access to provide relief. Currently, there is an urgent need for food, as well as non-food items such as medicines, psychosocial support, and shelter. Please donate today!



Finally, please pray for peace with justice for the people of Palestine and Israel. As people of faith, we bring the grief, compassion, and concerns of a hurting world to God. Additional prayers can be found on the United Church of Canada and the Canadian Council of Churches websites. 

we stand with ukraine

New Hymn Addresses the Invasion of Ukraine
Walter Farquharson and Richard Hall have written a hymn, addressing the Ukraine invasion: "I Will Sing To Our God". Walter has written new lyrics for the music, composed in 1985 by Richard. The biblical inspiration is Exodus 15, The Song of Moses & Miriam. The current inspiration is Russia's invasion of Ukraine. As the situation in Ukraine is timely, they are sending the hymn with the invitation to use and copy freely if it is useful. They are not seeking royalties. Please feel free to forward it to anyone who might have use for it.
Statement for Peace in Ukraine and Donations Link
The invasion of Ukraine is costing precious lives and creating a humanitarian crisis as people flee to safety. The United Church of Canada has joined with partners who witness and work for peace and justice in the world, by issuing a statement condemning the invasion of Ukraine. You can see the statement and other information here, and find a link here to make a donation to support United Church Mission & Service partners responding to rapidly emerging needs. We add our prayers of concern and support for the people of Ukraine, and for their families and friends here and throughout the world.

LATEST Sermons

Christian Conversations

Lectures with Rev. Sandy now has it's own page!  Check out the Lectures page to join the conversation.

BE inspired

mission and outreach projects


​Fall Food Bank Drive: We are collecting juice boxes and snacks for school lunches.  Collection boxes are in the Narthex.  Thank you for your support!


Forever Greene Mission & Outreach Legacy” 


Reflection on Dan Green's legacy of community service and devotion to the church, our donations collectively can support ongoing Mission and Outreach initiatives at Strathearn United Church.  Funds from this year's campaign will be used to support our next Bissell Centre lunch ,Youth Empowerment and Support Services (YESS), E4C Edmonton school lunch programs, and the Zebra Child Protection Centre.

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